1. Text Sounds (U.S. Only)
  2. Download Tracks
  3. Build Soundboards
    Create up to ten boards per account.
  4. Recording App
    Record/post sounds from your phone. More
  5. Desktop Builder
    Make private boards on your desktop. More
  6. Board Share™
    Add tracks from other boards. More
  7. Site Widgets
    Embed single tracks or the entire board.
  8. Sell Sounds
    Set prices and retain 70%. More
  9. Bulk Upload
    Add ten (10) tracks at a time.
  10. Real-Time Visitor and Sales Stats


  • social networks
  • media production
  • teachers/historians
  • musicians/bands/singers
  • gamers
  • sound effects
  • radio stations
  • message boards/forums
  • interest groups
  • fantasy leagues
  • products and services
  • conferences/tradeshows
  • plays
  • promotional
  • television
  • podcasts
  • marketing/advertising
  • parties
  • stadiums/events
  • DJs
  • sales presentations
  • announcers/voice talent
  • family/friends/personal
  • comedians
  • politicians/campaigns
  • sporting events
  • sound producers


1. Login (or register, it's free) and click the Create New Soundboard button under My Account.

2. Follow the Soundboard Creation Wizard as it guides you, step-by-step, through customizing your board - remembering that you can edit your info at a later time.

3. Add clips, tracks, sounds.

How to add tracks

There are three (3) different ways to add sounds to your board.


Board Share
Board Share lets you browse our site, selecting and adding tracks as you go from any 'Public' soundboard. Login and look for the '+' Board Share box on 'Public' boards. Select desired track and add to board.


Single Track & Bulk Upload
Upload your own mp3 files, up to 125mb of storage space per account. Upload single tracks or bulk upload - up to 10 at a time.


Use the Phone App
Record and post directly to your board using your phone. App is free for all Members.
iTunes » | Google Play »

Once you've added some sounds, your soundboard will become public and you are off and running!


Simply put, a 'soundboard' is a collection of 'sound clips' on a categorized 'board' that can be accessed from any anywhere, on any device.

You can build a soundboard for your own listening pleasure or create a board that will promote your sound, your message, service or product across the globe.

NEW - Sell the sounds on your board for anywhere from $0.69 to $9.99. Learn more about the program.


Board Share (or a 'Public' soundboard) allows you to add tracks from OTHER public soundboards to your own. Plus, it allows others to grab tracks from your board - if you want to promote and spread your sounds!

Board Share-enabled soundboards also allow public embedding of single tracks and send a sound- which means you can have others spread your sound for you! Promote your sound, promote your web site or service or even better - promote yourself!

WHAT IS SOUNDBOARD.COM? is the Internet's largest catalog of audio soundbites and categorized soundboards - from history to sound effects, movies to games. is also an innovative audio-sharing community. We give you all the tools you need to quickly and easily create, customize, manage and share your very own soundboard. Build a playlist in minutes - it's fast, easy and free! Upload, tag and share your audio worldwide and start promoting yourself through sound!

WHY SOUNDBOARD.COM? currently receives around 3,500,000 views per month - and growing very fast! Plus, it's a fast, free and easy way to make and manage your own Flash soundboard - and soundboards are viral, sticky and hot!

Besides, our goal is to build the single largest library of the "sounds of the world" Join us and start building your soundboard today!