Ultimate Boss Hogg Soundboard
Boss Hogg is a character from the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard. He was the wealthiest, greedy, and unethical commissioner of Hazzard County. He would do anything to get his hands on more money, including executing many nefarious and criminal schemes. The role of Boss Hogg was played by Sorrell Booke.
by Penny Modesto - 71 tracks
Those idiots, doh
JD Hogg speakin'
I married your fat sister
Get them Dukes downstairs
Answer Rosco
Wait a minute
Uh no
That's right
Oh uh yeah
Your brother in law
What're you gonna do
That don't matter
No no no
Get us our car back
You come see me
Me too
How much
You let'em slip
I owe you
No railroading in my country
Gitout shhhh
Make people talk
I told you to shut up
You're dirthy ruthless
Won't tell you twice
I'm losin my mind
Find out how much money
You better be sure
Nothin' gonna stop me
Get your car back
Alright I'll take it
Reposess that car
Don't get me sassed
I can't stand this
Go to town
Where they hid it
My drivers at fish fry
That's a relief
I wish those
Where in tarnation
Cut that jive
Porter farm
I over paid
What a surprise
My my
118,254 dollars
CB greeting
How much money
You're stupid
If you don't reposess
Hold on hold on
This is serious
Rosco, get in here
Bowl of turnips
You stole my 30,000 dollars
Just get me the duke boys
When I speak
Get over here
I'll divorce your fat sister
That truck is mine
Waiting over 2 hours
Cooter introduction
Use your head

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Boss Hogg is a character from the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard. He was the wealthiest, greedy, and unethical commissioner of Hazzard County. He would do anything to get his hands on more money, including executing many nefarious and criminal schemes. The role of Boss Hogg was played by Sorrell Booke.
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