by Nuz Juz - 41 tracks
All G
Annie 200 HP
Attack the voli
Banned 4 Lyf
Day 2 Day
Didn't Ravage Shit
Doesn't Matter
Fucking Zero Three
Gettin Wraiths Bro
Honest to Jesus
I can't suck this dick
I Destoryed Her
I was six nothing coming out of lane
I'm A Smurf I'm Gonna AFK
Jayce v Annie
Just kill the annie
My Fat Deek
Not my fault
Rammus why
Real Man
So Fucking Bad
Super Duper Offensive
This ELO man
Toxic fiddlesticks
We deserve to lose this game
What Can I Do
What The Fuck Dude
What The Fuck Is this team
What The Fuck Is Your Issue
What The Fuck
Why are these guys so bad
Why does riot do this to me
Why would my ADC be good
Wow you're shit
You're a fucking downy
Zero Four What The Fuck

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