Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan Soundboard
the best cast in the best Sci Fi Western ever made. Wrath is based on one of the best episodes of The Original Series of Star Trek. The episode Space Seed introduced Kahn Noonian Singh, a genetically engineered super warrior from the 20th century who survived in cryogenic freeze. The ultimate Science Fiction Film and Star Treks finest hour.
by Penny Modesto - 30 tracks
Perditions flames
Superior intellect
No ego to bruise
From hells heart
Self expression
Humor not logical
3 minutes
Beaten you
Best of times
Beware Romulans
Captain Spock
Dont mince words
Energizer xmas tree
Game for the young
Govern passions
Happy birthday
Klingons attack course
Meaning plain
Needs of many
Old Wounds
Retina scan
Romulan Ale
Violation of treaty
Deprive of life
No alternative

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Boards form Penny Modesto
the best cast in the best Sci Fi Western ever made. Wrath is based on one of the best episodes of The Original Series of Star Trek. The episode Space Seed introduced Kahn Noonian Singh, a genetically engineered super warrior from the 20th century who survived in cryogenic freeze. The ultimate Science Fiction Film and Star Treks finest hour.
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