Pete Puma from Rabbit's Kin
Pete Puma is a cartoon puma, voiced by Stan Freberg. He debuted in the November 15, 1952 Rabbit's Kin. He is often vividly remembered by cartoon fans, especially for his bizarre, inhaled, almost choking laugh. In Rabbit's Kin, Pete is chasing a young rabbit, who asks Bugs Bunny for help.
by Penny Modesto - 19 tracks
Darling, come to mama
I don't want no tea
How 'bout having a cee-gar
But I don't think
Come on home
Gonna catch the little rabbit
I know youuuu
I'll have to be goin' now
I'll help myself
I'm Mrs. Rabbit
Little rabbit
Little rabbit's laugh
Mmmm, num, num, slurp
Oh, no you don't
Oh, three or four
Well you told me to
Whole lotta lumps

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Pete Puma is a cartoon puma, voiced by Stan Freberg. He debuted in the November 15, 1952 Rabbit's Kin. He is often vividly remembered by cartoon fans, especially for his bizarre, inhaled, almost choking laugh. In Rabbit's Kin, Pete is chasing a young rabbit, who asks Bugs Bunny for help.
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