New Soundboards
Memorable quotes from the greatest hockey, if not SPORTS, movie of all time!
Our soundboard features lots of the bands we work with and recommend that you check out, we will be changing or adding the tracks regularly so please check back or just listen while you work or whatever :)
AM 1360 Boston Friday 12 to 1:00pm!
A recent New York Times expose showed 75 retired Military analysts have been recruited to spin propaganda for the pentagon and white house. In an effort to influence the American People, they have appeared over 4,500 times and across every news network in the past 5 years with prefabricated opinions.
This pieces of music has been written and played by a friend of mine. It is available on my blog.
Some clips I got from the site. All bunched together. Combine with another board for best effect.
this is me and my girlfriends soundboard =]
This is a soundboard of every classic line from The Poker Western Classic Maverick starring Mel Gibson. I added a few others. This makes for a great site to use during a card night.
Sound effects for Noah's ark and the flood that destroyed the earth
Used for wip sounds for BF
Audio recordings of a valedictory luncheon Donald Rumsfeld hosted for retired military tv analysts. These pentagon supported surrogates have acted over the past 5 years as unbiased on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC news to pimp the administration line on the Iraq War.