James Earl Jones
James Earl Jones is one of America's most distinguished and versatile actors. Although best-known to many people as the voice of Darth Vader in Star Wars or as the booming Voice of CNN, Jones has led a decades-old career encompassing film, television, and the stage.
by Penny Modesto - 30 tracks
Dark Side
This is CNN
Get the hell outta here
Crucify him
Disturbing universe
Don't be too proud
As you wish
Don't know the power
Don't make me destroy you
Emperor has been expecting you
Faith disturbing
Fear the night
Great circle of life
I am the wellspring
Infidel defilers
Learning disability
Leave them to me
Look at the stars
Love and nausea
Obi Wan
Optimistic appraisal
Pointless to resist
So piss off
Thy bidding
Underestimate the power
What the hell is that
What will your world be, without me
When I am gone

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Boards form Penny Modesto
James Earl Jones is one of America's most distinguished and versatile actors. Although best-known to many people as the voice of Darth Vader in Star Wars or as the booming Voice of CNN, Jones has led a decades-old career encompassing film, television, and the stage.
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