Miss Cleo Soundboard
Sound clips of a Jamaican peddling pay-by-the-minute psychic advicer, Miss Cleo. She will forever be remembered because in the years 2000 and 2001 a person could hardly turn on a TV without seeing a grinning Miss Cleo urging people to Call me now.
by Penny Modesto - 26 tracks
I lub u
Believe Cleo or not
Devil card
You're in denial when you say no
Seein' new baby
Let me shuffle cards
Find your self a hobby
Things happen for a reason
You are a good one
You have a good life now
That's a positive thing
Osteoperosis runs in your family
You're a libra
You deserve better
Is there a man in your life
Yeah, that's the daddy
Alright baby cakes
Are you keeping something
Did he play football
Did you have a question
I know sweet pea
Is he incarcerated
Leave me to say no more
Remember the pill
There's money problems
We can talk about money

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Sound clips of a Jamaican peddling pay-by-the-minute psychic advicer, Miss Cleo. She will forever be remembered because in the years 2000 and 2001 a person could hardly turn on a TV without seeing a grinning Miss Cleo urging people to Call me now.
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