My Music (75313 Tracks)

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my music into a sound board

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daniel why come on

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Collection of ED<M style vocals for any genere of dance music!

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Hope you enjoy

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just testing things out

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just tryna make some moneh

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OFFICIAL Psychedelic Rap Group psychedelic [sahy-ki-del-ik] adj. -of or noting a mental state characterized by a profound sense of intensified sensory perception, sometimes accompanied by severe perceptual distortion, hallucinations and by extreme feelings of euphoria. Known Members: Gemineye, Wizard, Colorblind, KingKoda, Dutch Master, and T

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Its cool

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Just shit to chill to brother

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playlist with Hispanic songs

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Super swaggy dope xtreme soundboard by me, Tamita Sampsin. This is only for the swaggiest of the swag, the swoogiest of the swoogies, the xtremist of the xtreme, THE ELITEST OF THE ELITE. You have been warned. XxX

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No description! ;D

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These are some of the sounds that I think are somehow representative of myself - water running as I'm always on the move and have been told to be hyper :-) and wind as I think it's free and can go wherever it wants - a free spirit!

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