Personal (48932 Tracks)

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Sound effects for 5G1 performance.

0 Tracks 13 Views

Smart ass retorts for stupid questions.

0 Tracks 12 Views

The best friends June 8,2015 That international holiday began by. Goth babes and metal astrology birthdays intimate kissing hugging holding laying with each other in text that God told Krissy n Krissy told zeron jewgod said they'll be together forever noone ever liked zeron nor Krissy forever chose sex not chose money

0 Tracks 12 Views

Things us members of the quEEr clAn say a lot. #OFWGKTA

0 Tracks 12 Views

A Nigerian, a 4.0 IQ casual, a womanizer, a master of shitty puns, a Fag, a churro, and occasionally tumblr all walk into a bar. This is what happens.

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Different clips of my reload pitch

0 Tracks 11 Views

My soundboard for using while streaming etc

0 Tracks 11 Views

Salty Bros, infinite edge and confiscated memes.mp3

0 Tracks 11 Views

A soundboard for my usage. Idk why it's making me fill this out

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0 Tracks 11 Views

Pickett's Class

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board for my amusement

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Soundboard for personal use

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0 Tracks 11 Views

Stuff to entertain a crowd

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