Radio (19672 Tracks)

12 Tracks 4410 Views

8 Tracks 4397 Views

0 Tracks 4390 Views

News feeds, laugh tracks, sound effects, fill sound, prank calls

6 Tracks 4327 Views

Fostoria's The RightMusic , Right Now !

10 Tracks 4314 Views

Sound bites that would be interesting bumpers between subjects or to emphasize a particular reaction from content.

10 Tracks 4279 Views

One of the most popular radio shows in history debuted in 1930 when "The Shadow" went on the air. He was an invincible crime fighter. Listen to the entire episode Death House Rescue ! This radio show episode aired 9/26/1937.

9 Tracks 4278 Views

Useful drops.

52 Tracks 4265 Views

The Morning After Show - audio clips

20 Tracks 4254 Views

102 Tracks 4250 Views

WLW clips

11 Tracks 4247 Views

8 Tracks 4242 Views

5 Tracks 4242 Views

The Block is what’s hot on the radio right now. Hosted by SoCal natives Tim and Cassie, The Block is a breath of fresh airwaves. Tim and Cassie whip up politics, sports, and entertainment issues- just to name a few- and chat about it in a format catering to your on-the-go lifestyle.

10 Tracks 4221 Views

Blind Mans Bluff dramatized a man rushing towards the moving train and helping him onto the train, our narrator Vincent Price actually experienced each chilling adventure and realized that the man is blind..This episode was from the early 1970s.

15 Tracks 4197 Views

The Babcock Performing Readers performance of The War of the Worlds at Utah University

7 Tracks 4181 Views

All the clips that made you love or hate Teresa Strasser

3 Tracks 4178 Views

welcome here

9 Tracks 4152 Views

I am a Voice Over Talent and Audio Engineer. Radio Imaging, Sweepers, Drops is more of the type of work I do.

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