New Soundboards
My Week 5 record: 9-5 pickem, 7-7 against the spread. 2007 results: Pickem = 71-41, Spread = 65-47. Your football picks for week 6 of the 2008 NFL season are now online. Come back every week!
Kevin Garnett, KG, The Big Ticket, Da Kid, Superman... theres no one else in the NBA like him. He's a real player and has the heart of a champion. Will he remain with the Minnesota Timberwolves?
Richard M. Nixon was the 37th President of the United States: 1969-1974. Watergate was indeed the scandal that finally destroyed him but public unrest with the war in Vietnam as well as other abuses of power contributed to the end of "Tricky Dick."
The many sounds of Mr. Ed's world
The Atherton Tablelands of northeastern Queensland Australia are home to hundreds of rare bird species, some found nowhere else in the world.
Classic commercial slogans get in your head like "Don't Sqeeze the Charmin" and "Help I've Fallen and I can't get up!" Enjoy these spicy meatballs.
Light a fire, pour some egg nog, add a little booze, sit back and listen to some stylized holiday classics.
Shaquille O' Neal also known as Shaq, has been dominating pro basketball since the day he set his big ole' foot down in the NBA. With the Magic, Lakers and the Heat he's brought the big Humor and the Big Dunks.
Most of this stuff is used for my performances as a Female Impersonator.
Sounds of Baseball featuring classic Hary Caray calls and the song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." Play Ball!
The best players hate to loose. Some blow up, some have a huge meltdown. Some have overslept and some get drunk and hit on the reporter!
Chair throwing player strangling Basketball coach Bobby Knight does it his own way and damn the torpedos. Interview, press conference and secret locker room recordings. Some mature language.
In this day and age, few have the insight and wit to match Chris Rock. Here is a sampling. Adult material - enjoy.
A Collection of wonderful and well known phrases from the future ruler of the world... Lucius Caesar
Patriotic songs about the USA featuring Elvis, Bruce Springsteen, Whitney Houston and more paying tribute to America and the armed forces.
Larger than life Movie Monsters screams howls and roars. Everything from King Kong to Godzilla to classic horror film monsters.
A collection of important presidential speeches from the history of the United States of America. With the exception of the Gettsyburg Address read by Johnny Cash, all are presented in there own words.
Chris Farley tore down the house everytime he played the Motivational Speaker on SNL. He's just trying to help, so here's some great audio clips from the man who lives in a van down by the river!
A Christmas Story is a tradition in my family - a must-see annual classic written by Jean Sheperd. For that reason, I've put together what I consider to be the best sound clips. Happy Holidays
I travelled to Costa Rica and went camping and will never forget the strange almost unearthly wild life. It's forest is the most densely populated place on earth for different animal species, a treasure trove for animal and nature lovers!
Spend the holidays with the Griswolds! Listen to Clark, Eddie and the gang as they put together a X-mas classic. Save the neck!
Some songs from the band, Yard Sale.
Some people like the Geico Gecko, I love the yuppy caveman. Some funny commercial ad spots no doubt !
Some war and weapon-related audio samples
Theres just so much for coaches to be pissed off about, the media, the players, and above all, losing. Mature Language.
Listen at your own risk as Paul Anka, Bill Cosby and the team of Shatner and Nimoy butcher some great tunes. Seriously - Spock sings the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins! Must hear!
My son loves animal sounds so I built him this soundboard so he could listen to and identify his favorite animals.
This playlist includes audio clips of all the great and beautiful big cats like lions, pumas, cougars and more. Careful, not domesticated.
From Amelia Earhart to PT Barnum to the shooting of Oswald and the Hindenburg disaster - this soundboard offers an amazing collection of historical audio clips.
JFK, the 35th President of the United States, was one of the most inspirational men to ever hold the office. A champion of freedom, fairness, civil rights and power to the people, John F. Kennedy set the bar very high for all that would follow.