1920's History Soundboard
The Roaring 1920's saw the Teapot Dome scandal, the failed Prohibition of alchohol and Charles Lindbergh fly. As well as an incredible evolution in sound by the inventions of Jazz, Nationwide Radio broadcasts and "Talkies" the forerunner of Movies.
by Jason Booth - 12 tracks Full Board $4.99
1rst radio station KDKA Pitts. - 1920
1rst orchestral radio program - 1921
Louie Armstrong & Jazz Age - 1922
The Charleston dance - 1923
Improv. harmonies in Jazz - 1924
Rin Tin Tin movies - 1925
1rst Talkie: Bye Bye Blackbird - 1926
Lindbergh Flys NY to Paris - 1927
President Calvin Coolidge - 1927
George Gershwin Composer - 1928
Amos & Andy debuts on radio - 1929
1rst radio station KDKA Pitts.

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Boards form Jason Booth
The Roaring 1920's saw the Teapot Dome scandal, the failed Prohibition of alchohol and Charles Lindbergh fly. As well as an incredible evolution in sound by the inventions of Jazz, Nationwide Radio broadcasts and "Talkies" the forerunner of Movies.
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