by Jason Booth - 25 tracks Full Board $4.99
JFK vs. Nixon Debates - 1960
JFK inaugural speech - 1961
Candid Camera airs - 1961
The Twist dance craze - 1962
John Glenn first to orbit Earth-1962
The Worlds Fair opens - 1962
US post starts zip codes - 1963
JFK Speech to Abolish CIA -1963
JFK Assasinated LBJ Sworn In-1963
Lee H. Oswald killed on TV-1963
McDonald's Restaurants - 1964
The Beatles on Ed Sulliivan -1964
Dick Tracy toys are popular - 1965
Malcolm X Assassinated - 1965
Dr. Timothy Leary - 1965
Mission Impossible TV drama-1966
'68 Ford Mustang Introduced - 1967
Anti-Viet Nam War Protests - 1967
RFK Assassinated - 1968
Jerry Garcia Pacifist - 1968
The Doors -1968
Mr. Whipple household name-1969
N. Armstrong walks on moon-1969
Woodstock Music Fair - 1969
Nixon Takes Office - 1969

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Boards form Jason Booth
An age of youth, revolutionary changes in education, values, lifestyles, laws, and entertainment in the U.S.A. Listen to the history of a decade in audio.
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