by Jason Booth - 20 tracks Full Board $4.99
Apollo13 Crew in Jeopardy - 1970
Kent State Students Killed - 1970
Jim Morrison found dead - 1971
All in the Family Top TV Show - 1971
John Lennon Deportation FBI-1972
Nixon Denies Watergate - 1973
Mr. Microphone Popular -1974
Assassination Attempt Ford-1975
Nutterbutter is favorite cookie-1975
Saturday Night Live -1975
Jimmy Carter President -1976
Hotel California - The Eagles-1976
Elvis Presley Dies - 1977
Close Encounters top movie-1977
Disco Music & Dance -1978
9 Lives Cat Morris Dies - 1978
Three's Company TV Show-1978
Star Wars Movie Big hit -1978
3 Mile Island Nuclear Disaster-1979
Ronald Reagan Campaign - 1979

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Boards form Jason Booth
The 70's saw Jimmy Carter as president, Disco magic, and lava lamps set a glow. Also, Apollo 13 returned safely to Earth and the sixties counterculture influence found itself reduced by FBI efforts.
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