by Jason Booth - 34 tracks Full Board $4.99
Pacman & Video Game Craze - 1980
Mt. St. Helens Volcano Erupts - 1980
John Lennon Murdered -1980
Roller Skating & Funky Town-1980
Ronald Reagan & Bush Elected-1980
Hostages Released on Inaug. Day-81
MTV Launches - 1981
Valley Girl Style - 1982
John Belushi Dies of O.D.-1982
Walter Cronkite Retires - 1981
1rst American woman in space-1983
Strong Calif. Earthquake hits -1983
New Wave Music - 1983
USSR Evil Empire-1983
Joke almost leads to war-1984
Indiana Jones Top Movie - 1984
Viet Nam War Memorial-1984
Geraldine Ferraro runs for v.p.-1984
Sting "Russians" -1985
USA For Africa Hunger Benefit-1985
Space Shuttle Challenger -1986
Reagan Space Shuttle Speech - 86
Gary Hart Sex Scandal - 1987
TV Evangelist Jim Bakker fraud-1987
Tear Down That Wall ! - 1987
Reagan & USSR Reduce Nukes-88
George H. Bush Elected -1988
Reagan Passes Torch to Bush -1988
Equal Rights Amendment-killed -1988
JFK Jr. Starts Political Life - 1988
Jimmy Swaggart sex scandal-1988
Space Shuttle Discovery Success-88
Baseball Boots Pete Rose -1989
6. 9 Earthquake in San Fran.-1989

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Boards form Jason Booth
The Eighties we're known as the "me" decade. The IBM PC was introduced in '81, and New Wave music had arrived. The cold war was at it's apex and by 1988 the US and the U.S.S.R. signed a treaty to reduce nuclear missles.
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