Alien Atmospheres

The alien atmosphere is accomplished through an array of effects and strange sounds. Hear aliens talking with each other, the hiss of an alien atmosphere whizzing past your cockpit to really make you feel like you are there.

Category: Sound FX   Tracks: 15   Views: 28464  

by Beng Dy - 15 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Spooky alien atmosphere
Ratatat Tadi
Dark alien atmosphere
They are comin, ruuuun
Alien Breath
Alien speaking
Dark evolving alien drone
Mutant frogs from mars 2
Gurgling noises
Ping - Beeps
Space Invaders
Speaking atmosphere
Strange atmosphere with alien voices
Bubbling burbling sounds
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

The alien atmosphere is accomplished through an array of effects and strange sounds. Hear aliens talking with each other, the hiss of an alien atmosphere whizzing past your cockpit to really make you feel like you are there.

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