Alien Abductions and Implants
Researcher Derrel Sims discussed the evidence for alien abductions and implants, as well some of the hidden alien agendas. A number of abductee/contactees may have served as unwitting surrogates for their alien abductors.
by Penny Modesto - 15 tracks
Alien Abductions and Implants 1
Alien Abductions and Implants 2
Alien Abductions and Implants 3
Alien Abductions and Implants 4
Alien Abductions and Implants 5
Alien Abductions and Implants 6
Alien Abductions and Implants 7
Alien Abductions and Implants 8
Alien Abductions and Implants 9
Alien Abductions and Implants 10
Alien Abductions and Implants 11
Alien Abductions and Implants 12
Alien Abductions and Implants 13
Alien Abductions and Implants 14
Alien Abductions and Implants 15

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Researcher Derrel Sims discussed the evidence for alien abductions and implants, as well some of the hidden alien agendas. A number of abductee/contactees may have served as unwitting surrogates for their alien abductors.
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