American Graffiti movie
American Graffiti is a wonderful film that has stood the test of time, and will stand the test of even more time! Thirty years from now, people will still be looking back on this and remembering how much of a superb film it was, and how many fine films it inspired. American Graffiti was a great film in 1973, and is even better today.
by Penny Modesto - 10 tracks
If brains were dynamite
American Graffiti Trailer
Don't think im going
Got worried
Had a good time
He can't find me
Let me have
Need some time
You old fart

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Boards form Penny Modesto
American Graffiti is a wonderful film that has stood the test of time, and will stand the test of even more time! Thirty years from now, people will still be looking back on this and remembering how much of a superb film it was, and how many fine films it inspired. American Graffiti was a great film in 1973, and is even better today.
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