Andy Samberg songs
Enjoy clips from the many song parodies featuring SNL comedian Andy Samberg. Andy also preforms with the Lonely island as well as Justin Timberlake and Natalie Portman doing a crazy rap among others. Super funny songs from SNL skits. Adult language.
by Jason Booth - 16 tracks
Chronicles of Narnia ringtone
Space Olympics
Andy Sambergs Epic Freestyle Rap
Natalie Portman Rap
Iran So far away
Punch you in the Jeans
Ardy Party
Sax Man
Dick in a box
I'm on a boat
Jizz in my pants - song
Who said were whack
Like a Boss
Ras Trent
Santana DVX
Natalies Rap ringtone

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Boards form Jason Booth
Enjoy clips from the many song parodies featuring SNL comedian Andy Samberg. Andy also preforms with the Lonely island as well as Justin Timberlake and Natalie Portman doing a crazy rap among others. Super funny songs from SNL skits. Adult language.
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