
Category: My Music   Tracks: 23   Views: 951  

by Anthony - 23 tracks
Arnold - Hi
Arnold - Its Aronold
Arnold - im dective john kimble
Arnold - How are you?
Arnold - Nice to meet you
Arnold- Bunch of Questions
Arnold - Who Are You
Arnold - Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Arnold - let me talk to your mother
Arnold - Yeah
Arnold - Yes
Arnold - No its not true
Arnold - expect me to belive you
Arnold - You SOB
Arnold - I don't play that game
Arnold - i wanna know whats going on
Arnold - You want to fuck with me
Arnold - Come on, don't bullshit me
Arnold - Stop being such a pussy
Arnold - Fuck You
Arnold - Bullshit
Arnold - Stoppit!!
Arnold - Stop Whining!