by Jason Booth - 34 tracks
Original Excerpt
Obviously we have a rapist
Hes climbing in your windows
you are really dumb fo real
We gonna find you
So you all need to hide your kids
So you can run and tell that
Home boy
Fo Real
IM gonna beat his ass
I feel like I belongs to a tv
Bed Intruder song
Hide your wife
And hide your husband
He slapped my sister
His sister the victim
Snatching your people up
U dont have to confess
Hide your kids
Trying to rape em
I think thats terrible
I want to make you feel
IM so glad because
My Sista
Run around crying and acting sad
Thats Ridicoula
You Gonnna Get Caught
We got your tshirt
We just dust our shoulders
Yeah were looking for you
you dont have to confess cuz
Bed Intruder Alternate remix
Bed Intruder R & B ode

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Boards form Jason Booth
The brother of an attempted rape victim speaks out and his rallying cry becomes the latest meme on the internet. The Antoine Dodson soundboard is here homeboy.
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