The Pod Sound Board

Some sounds to enhance the BS Bunker

Category: Personal   Tracks: 19   Views: 367  

Tags: comedy chat
by Sebastian McFly - 19 tracks    Full Board $99.99
Homer - That's bad
Homer - That's good
COD - Mission accomplished, Good work
Gattuso - Sometimes maybe good somtimes maybe shit
COD - Mission accomplished, Good work
Moreno - Get out Man Utd
Dennis - Untethered rage knows no bounds
Dennis - Because of the implication
John Cleese - Now for something different
Navi - Hey Listen
Rafa - I am talking about facts
Rafa - And it's a fact
Rafa - I have to talk about facts
A few moments later
Boards form Sebastian McFly
Sebastian McFly

Some sounds to enhance the BS Bunker

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