Babe Ruth audio

George Herman Ruth, Jr. was the "Sultan of Swat" and the "Bambino", "Babe", "The Colossus of Clout", "The King of Crash", "The Home Run King" , or simply "The Big Guy", was an American Major League baseball player from 1914-1935.

Category: Sports   Tracks: 11   Views: 10567  

by Extra Credit - 11 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Spring Training 1931
Spring Training 1934
The Move to Brooklyn
Baseball and Youth
Homerun for Bambino
Ruth at Yankee Stadium Addressing Fans
Ruth Calls His Shot
Ruth's Last Time on Field
Sultan of Swat
The Big Belly Ache
The House that Ruth Built
Boards form Extra Credit
Extra Credit

George Herman Ruth, Jr. was the "Sultan of Swat" and the "Bambino", "Babe", "The Colossus of Clout", "The King of Crash", "The Home Run King" , or simply "The Big Guy", was an American Major League baseball player from 1914-1935.

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