Batman: The Movie (1966)
This is one of the best Batman movies ever made, Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) are hilarious in this film. Listen to these audio clips from the scenes shark fight, the trap door spring and Batman with the biggest bomb in history.
by Penny Modesto - 37 tracks
To the Batcave
Bat Mobile
Atomic Batteries
Batteries are dead
Exploding Shark
Filthy Criminals
Get rid of bomb
Holy Merlin
Holy Sardine
Outwitting Batman
Riddler's Laugh
Shark Repellant
Skull Duggery Ahead
Status Report
Joking Riddles!
About that exploding shark
A riddle in the form of a joke
The Batteries are dead
Tricky mirage protector
The Catwoman
The Riddler
The Joker
The Penguin
Doing their job
Fiendish Fish
Holy Long John Silver
It's got us
Joker - pip pip
Joker - ready to fire
P. N. Guin
Joker - shark repellent
Detective Work
Trained exploding shark
Villain Argument
You're Mad Riddler

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Boards form Penny Modesto
This is one of the best Batman movies ever made, Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) are hilarious in this film. Listen to these audio clips from the scenes shark fight, the trap door spring and Batman with the biggest bomb in history.
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