Benazir Bhutto audio clips
Former prime minister of Pakastan Benazir Bhutto was assasinated at age 54. She wanted to bring in NATO to clear out the border between Pakistan and Afghanstan and to take control of Nuclear arms and the lack of freedom and democracy in her home.
by Jason Booth - 14 tracks
A Woman in Politics
In the event of my Death
The life and times of
Freedom from Military Complex
Human life is sacred
K. Rudd response to Assasination
Policticians must serve the poor
Osama Bin Laden is Dead
Nov 07 Interview about 2008 Elections
On Becoming Prime Minister
Suffering and Idealism
We are all equal
Nov 07 Assasination attempt Karachi
Bhuttos brother murdered -' 96

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Former prime minister of Pakastan Benazir Bhutto was assasinated at age 54. She wanted to bring in NATO to clear out the border between Pakistan and Afghanstan and to take control of Nuclear arms and the lack of freedom and democracy in her home.
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