Best songs for CPR
In a new study conducted by researchers, some songs were found to be useful in providing an effective beat to perform CPR. Yet this is not medical advice. The idea is to press on the downbeat to songs with 100-113 BPM - beats per minute.
by Beng Dy - 12 tracks
Staying Alive- Bee Gees
I will survive - Gloria Gaynor
Heart and Soul - TPau
Another Brick in the Wall- Pink Floyd
Another One Bites The Dust
Quit Playing Games with my Heart - Back Street Boys
Sweet Home Alabama- Lynyrd Skynyrd
Five to one - the Doors
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Spirit in the Sky - Norman Greenbaum
Halls of Montezuma
Story on the CPR songs
Boards form Beng Dy
In a new study conducted by researchers, some songs were found to be useful in providing an effective beat to perform CPR. Yet this is not medical advice. The idea is to press on the downbeat to songs with 100-113 BPM - beats per minute.
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George Lappin • 8 years ago -
WE have found that training at 120 bpm is best AS when people begin to tire they reduce to 112 - 115. Training at a slower rate eg 102-105 tends to lead to less than 100 compressions a minute during CPR which is outwith the guidelines.