by BlueExecuter - 248 tracks Full Board $4.99
PPG: Blossom - Woops sorry
PPG: Blossom - Yes Mayor
PPG: Blossom Gasping
PPG: Blossom's Ice Breath
PPG: Bubbles - Ah! The key!
PPG: Bubbles - It's not nice!
PPG: Bubbles - It's terrible!
PPG: Bubbles - Keep reading!
PPG: Bubbles' Scream Attack
PPG: Building Falling Down
PPG: Buttercup - Aaah! A little help please?
PPG: Buttercup - Sounds cool
PPG: Dwing
PPG: Fuzzy - Divide the cake!
PPG: Fuzzy - Shooting
PPG: Hotline Ringing
PPG: Mayor - I lost the key! (Phone)
PPG: Mojo Jojo - Go monkey go! Mojo Mojo!
PPG: Mojo Jojo - Look at all these keys!
PPG: Mojo Jojo - Mojo is holding
PPG: Mojo Jojo - One of us is not here!
PPG: Mojo Jojo - Where's the key?
PPG: Narrator - Aaah!
PPG: Narrator - All of the villains!
PPG: Powerpuff Girls - Aaah!
PPG: Princess - I want that key! (Full)
PPG: Princess - I want that key!
PPG: Princess - No! (Full)
PPG: Princess - No! 1
PPG: Princess - No! 2
PPG: Princess - No! 3
PPG: Princess - Tear it up now!
PPG: Professor - Aaah!
PPG: Professor - Bad dad!
PPG: Professor - Girls! What is it?
PPG: Professor - Oh! How nice
PPG: Professor - The Key to the World (Full)
PPG: Professor - The Key to the World
PPG: Professor - Too much salsa on the eggs?
PPG: Professor - Well that's just dumb
PPG: Boiling 1
PPG: Boiling 2
PPG: Boiling 3
PPG: Boiling Combined Echo
PPG: Boiling Combined
PPG: Zip 1 Echo
PPG: Zip 1
SSBB: Bowser Roaring 1
SSBB: Bowser Roaring 2
SSBB: Character Intro 1
SSBB: Character Intro 2
SSBB: Character Intro 3
SSBB: Dark Cannon Charging
SSBB: Dark Cannon Click
SSBB: Dark Cannon Fire
SSBB: Dark Cannon Hit
SSBB: Detrophyfication (Detrophytized)
SSBB: Trophyfitation (Trophytized)
SSBB: Flash Scene
SSBB: Flashback 1
SSBB: Flashback 2
SSBB: Rings of Death Hit
SSBB: Rings of Death Passing
SSBB: Strong Wind
SSBB: Subspace Appears 1
SSBB: Subspace Appears 2
SSBB: Subspace Bomb Attached
SSBB: Subspace Bomb Beeping
SSBB: Subspace Bomb Detonating
SSBB: Subspace Bomb Opened
SSBB: Subspace Sound 1
SSBB: Subspace Sound 2
SSBB: Subspace Sound 3
SSBB: Tabuu's Off Waves Charging
SSBB: Tabuu's Off Waves Fire
SSBB: The Great Maze Formed
PPG: Punch 1
PPG: Punch 2
PPG: Punch 3
SSBB: Subspace Area 1
SSBB: Subspace Area 2
SSBB: Character Intro 2 GVerbed
SSBB: Subspace Appears 2 Extended
SSBB: Subspace Appears 1 Extended
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Craving a burger
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Can't get a message
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Chiro! We need help!
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Aah! 1
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Aah! 2
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - High Kick
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - I heard Chiro screaming
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - I'm scared
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Ugh! 1
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Ugh! 2
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - It can't be
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Laughing
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Listening to you
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Move!
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - No!
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - Nova!
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - She's gone!
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - What's going on Chiro?
SRMTHFG: Jinmay - You're not gonna touch it
SRMTHFG: Mutant Biker - Let's check on the scum
SRMTHFG: Mutant Biker - Show me what you got!
SRMTHFG: Mutant Biker - What's wrong with you
SRMTHFG: Chiro - Jinmay?
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Show me your moves!
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Falcon Punch!
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Falcon!
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Punch!
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Yes!
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Falcon Kick!
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Oough!
SSBM: Captain Falcon - Knocked Out
Simpsons: Krusty - Aw crap!
Simpsons: Krusty - Hey kids!
Simpsons: Krusty - Hey hey!
PPG: Zip 2
PPG: Zip 2 Echo
PPG: Powerpuffs Entering the Timewarp
PPG: Powerpuffs Exiting the Timewarp
PPG: Timewarp Area 1
PPG: Timewarp Area 2
MK64: Announcer - Mario Grand Prix
MK64: Children - Mario Kart 64 (Japanese)
MK64: Mario - Hey! You're very good!
MK64: Balloon Appears
MK64: Balloon Floating 1
MK64: Balloon Floating 2
MK64: Banana Spill
MK64: Boo Laughing
MK64: Countdown
MK64: Crossed the Finish Line
MK64: Evil Laugh
MK64: Explosion
MK64: Invisible
MK64: Item Box
MK64: Item Selected
MK64: Kart Jump
MK64: Kart Passing
MK64: Menu Selected
MK64: Boing
MK64: Next Lap
MK64: Nintendo Chime
MK64: Shell Launched 1
MK64: Shell Launched 2
MK64: Skid
MK64: Splash
MK64: Squeak
MK64: Trophy Obtained
MK64: Zoom In
MK64: Zoom Out
PPG: Zip 1 GVerb
PPG: Zip 1 Echo GVerb
PPG: Zip 2 GVerb
PPG: Zip 2 Echo GVerb
PPG: Blossom - Shut up! (Full)
PPG: Blossom - Shut up!
PPG: Blossom - Shut up! (Full) Echo
PPG: Blossom - Shut up! (Full) GVerb
PPG: Blossom - Shut up! (Full) Echo GVerb
PPG: Blossom - Shut up! Echo
PPG: Blossom - Shut up! GVerb
PPG: Blossom - Shut up! Echo GVerb
FOP: Episode Intro 1
FOP: Episode Intro 2
FOP: Crocker - Fairy Godparents!
Audio Poop: Crocker gets Falcon Punched by Captain Falcon
Audio Poop: Crocker gets punched by Blossom
SSBM: Master Hand Appears
SSBM: Crazy Hand Appears
SSBM: Master Hand/Crazy Hand Defeated
SSBM: Crush
SSBM: Drill 1
SSBM: Drill 2
SSBM: Grab
SSBM: Laser Finger 1
SSBM: Laser Finger 2
SSBM: Laser Finger 3
SSBM: Laser Finger Double 1
SSBM: Laser Finger Double 2
SSBM: Laser Finger Double 3
SSBM: Laser Finger Triple
SSBM: Launching
SSBM: Passing
SSBM: Master Hand Gunshot
SSBM: Punch
SSBM: Rumbling
SSBM: Smash
SSBM: Woosh 1
SSBM: Woosh 2
SSBM: Woosh 3
SSBM: Woosh 4
SSBM: Step 1
SSBM: Step 2
PPG: Blossom - You got something (Original)
PPG: Blossom - You got something (Fast)
PPG: Stomp Crash
PPG: Blossom - Help
PPG: Blossom - This alien force
PPG: Burping
PPG: Bubbles - Noooo!
PPG: Bubbles - Powerpuff Girls Hotline
PPG: Bubbles - Screaming
PPG: Explosion
PPG: Rock Push
PPG: Snowball Crash
PPG: Snowy Wind 1
PPG: Snowy Wind 2
PPG: Buttercup - Oops!
PPG: Buttercup's Hard Throw
PPG: Crash
PPG: Giant Rolling Snowball
PPG: Mojo Jojo - Laughing
PPG: Moving in Air
PPG: Ice Crash
PPG: Large Flash
PPG: Large Stomp 1
PPG: Large Stomp 2
PPG: Magic Flash
PPG: Princess - No fair!
PPG: Princess - Screaming
PPG: Princess - They're just jealous
PPG: Princess - You can't do that!
PPG: Princess Gasping
PPG: Metal Crash
PPG: Ding
PPG: Heat
PPG: Hit
PPG: Laser 1
PPG: Laser 2
PPG: Quick Scroll
PPG: Snap
PPG: Stomp
PPG: Swing
PPG: Tap
PPG: Woosh
PPG Game: Curser
PPG Game: Selected
PPG Game: Enemy Laser
PPG Game: Explosion
PPG Game: Item Grabbed
PPG Game: Star Grabbed
PPG Game: Powerpuff Laser
PPG Game: Punch
PPG Game: Score

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Boards form BlueExecuter
Sound effects from "The Powerpuff Girls," "Super Smash Brothers Brawl," "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go," and other shows and games.
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