Bruce "More Cowbell" Dickinson
Christopher Walken portrays a character named Bruce Dickinson, the record producer from the famous More Cowbell skit on Saturday night live. The influence of the cultural phenomenon this skit brought is worldwide. We need more cow bell !
by Penny Modesto - 18 tracks
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Gold plated diapers
I put my pants on
More cowbell
Gotta have more cowbell
I like what Im hearing
Guess what I got a Fever
I could have used more cowbell
Never question Bruce Dickinson
Cock and the Walk
Say it baby
By the way my name is Bruce Dickinson
Yes the Bruce Dickinson
Explore the studio's space
Guess what
I got a fever
Gotta fever prank call

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Christopher Walken portrays a character named Bruce Dickinson, the record producer from the famous More Cowbell skit on Saturday night live. The influence of the cultural phenomenon this skit brought is worldwide. We need more cow bell !
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