Bugs Bunny soundboard
Bugs Bunny is one of the most recognized cartoon characters. He is the leader of the Looney Tunes and the mascot of Warner Bros. He can bend and twist the laws of physics at his whim. Also, he is one of the smartest cartoon characters in the universe, constantly outwitting his adversary. He is constantly muching carrots.
by Penny Modesto - 30 tracks
I wanna ask you somethin'
Get me outta here
Don't be so danged literal
Aren't you ashamed
Oooh I'm dyiiiin'
What am I doin'
Eh, ya brudder blows bubble gum
Are you in, genius
Holy cats, I've been drafted
It'll take him all day
He'll catch on any minute now
Oh yeah, that's what he thinks
Good byeeeeee
Hey, your pardon me for interruptin'
Yer crazy idiot
Book, schnook, blow da house down
Well there's other sports besides huntin'
Dull day
Gotta see
Hey, waddaya know, a poil
Hey, Who plugged up the hole
I better get outta here
I think the guys are pony
Must cost plenny to heat this
Neh, pardon me mac
Now where'd dat come from
Why the noive of dem guys
Wow, What a relief
You asked for it

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Bugs Bunny is one of the most recognized cartoon characters. He is the leader of the Looney Tunes and the mascot of Warner Bros. He can bend and twist the laws of physics at his whim. Also, he is one of the smartest cartoon characters in the universe, constantly outwitting his adversary. He is constantly muching carrots.
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