Call of Duty 4 sounds - 1
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is one of those exceedingly rare games that manages to do everything right. The battlefields are teeming with chaos, with explosions and gunfire coming from all angles and effects like helicopters and jets flying overhead giving you the feeling like you are really there. Check this out!
by Beng Dy - 25 tracks Full Board $4.99
Call Of Duty Grenada
Friendly heli
Inform attack flash
Inform attack grenade
Inform killfirm infantry 1
Inform killfirm infantry 2
Inform killfirm infantry 3
Inform plant claymore
Inform reloading generic
Heli support
HQ located
Airstrike standing by 1
Airstrike standing by 2
Bomb defused
Bombs away bombs away
Bravo 6 whats your status
Capture the objective
Challenge complete final
Challenge complete well done
Challenge complete
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Boards form Beng Dy
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is one of those exceedingly rare games that manages to do everything right. The battlefields are teeming with chaos, with explosions and gunfire coming from all angles and effects like helicopters and jets flying overhead giving you the feeling like you are really there. Check this out!
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