by captainPicard - 554 tracks
I've been out of the picture
By God's mercy I have this opportunity to greet our listeners
I can tell you
We're going to try to do that as faithfully as possible right to the end
Feed my sheep
We know that it's all in God's care. We are engaged in the task God has assigned us
And now we are approaching closer and closer to that time
Oh, my the reports I receive..
And for every one of our listeners
But also in the lives of our staff
Both in my own life
God has been so merciful
Oh my
And for every one of our listeners God has been so merciful
Also in the staff that they have been able to faithfully feed the sheep
In providing healing mercies
It's been a terrible time for all of us
We see how everybody has been faithfully listening
I am overwhelmed
Have you seen God today?
Have you seen God last week?
Whoopee, I even have the power of death over God!
Very well, thank you
Go ahead with your question
Yeah I can hear you go ahead with your question
I'm sorry what is your que--
What in the world are you talking about?
You must have had a dream
But...(Trails off)
Whatever your saying is pure nonsense
Welcome to Open Forum
We have that grand privilege
Let's take our first call tonight and see what they're question is
Shall we take our next call please
We'll look at that together and try to learn
They know full well
We know absolutely that next year May 21, 2011 will be the day
Am I..?
Repeat your question
And anybody who dared to predict a date were always wrong
And for 1955 years you are absolutely correct
1988 was the last year when God recognized the churches
And I can tell you it does not follow the pattern of a great many people wh
...we have learned a whole lot of information including the time of the end
But when will that be
People love the Lord and they want this message out
My dollar or 20 cents can be used to tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ
I have never received a nickel's worth of salary
If we would sell a radio station and garner some money
It's very obvious you do not understand what the Biblical principle is
The Biblical principle is, freely we have received freely we give
Out of a love for our neighbor
You did not pay one nickel to hear this
But a lot of people did. They made it possible that this program might be o
I can tell you that you have no understanding of what this ministry's all a
My widow could not receive five cents from Family Radio
My widow
But you see
Excuse me just a moment (grunt)
Excuse me
God was finished with the Church Age
His work was not correct at all
I understand what your saying
It all sounds strange
In the church world and in the evangalism world
On the first day of the Great Tribulation period
They might claim that their an atheist
The temple was referring to the Church Age
That's a good question
Write it in a book and then seal it up
When we look at the book of Daniel
But you see
The Bible taught nobody could know the day or hour
You have no understanding at all
That 4004 years was adopted by the churches to a very high degree
That's all haywire; that's completely contrary to the Word of God
You see, in past history theologians had tried to figure out the timelime o
I'm sorry
But shall we take our next call please. Welcome to Open Forum
Hold on just a minute
I'll be right back
We have a caller on the line
Go ahead with you're question
Well, the fact is, we don't ask anybody..
We're not telling anybody what they ought to give
Let each one make they're own decisions on those matters
Excuse me! Excuse me!
May 22nd will be Judgment - The second day of Judgment Day
( Mumbling )
What--How--What's gonna happen
We have no idea at all
It's gonna be a horror story
Millions of people will die on that day and every day thereafter
What will we do the next day it's nonsense
It's utter nonsense
Because it is GOING to happen
This is what the Bible teaches
It IS going to happen
What's gonna happen to Family Radio or the banks or anybody else (Rant)
I've told you what it is
If you wanna hear it physically
It was a tree
It had some kind of fruit on it
We don't know what kind of fruit
Doesn't make any difference
Maybe it was a banana tree
Maybe it was a peachtree
We don't know
God pointed out to Adam and Eve that tree
I'm calling that the Tree of Knowledge
Giving it a VERY exotic name
We want to see them... Errrgh! You know
Well, it's a dirty ugly sin
The sin of homosexuality
It's repugnant in many, many ways if we describe what's involved
Everybody today has access to all this porn
And everyone has got the potential for sin in they're life
And everyone can go into the privacy of their bedroom
Wherever they have their computer
They can watch this kind of garbage and feed on it
So, they know that they could engage in that same thing
So they can't really feel like that's that bad
That's that bad
It's easy to go along with it
These are only some of the ways it can work
Behind it all God has installed Satan there to rule
Because God is preparing the world for Judgment Day
All this talk about 2012 has nothing to do with the Bible
They cannot find anything of any consequence that identifies with 2012
That is pure nonsense
There is a lot of talk
They had predicted the end of the world in December of 2012
Now others are picking it up who follow their own kind of a gospel
And they're claiming "Oh, yes! That can be found in the Bible"
That's what they're saying
But let them produce it in a very clear way as we can show 2011
That's an entirely different situation altogether
Yeah... well
There's NOTHING in the Bible...NOTHING in the Bible
...that points to 2012
Except that we have some evangalists who are trying to get away from 2011
Because there's a lot of information about that
And their trying to get our direcetion a wrong way
So shall we take our next call
In um... Uh... Hmmmm
Oh, boy
I wrote a little note to myself
And now I can't find.... uhh
These are all left to do..
( To self) Go down..
( Laughter )
When I went to college,
I never took notes
I NEVER took notes.
Everybody else was listening TO their professor and taking notes
I never took notes because I knew I couldn't read them after I got to my ho
And I knew it was in the book anyway
So I never did take notes
I try to take notes and do a bad job of it
But anyway
Spiritual 'bleauty'
Whose taking all the action?
Whose doing all these things?
The enemies of Christ?
Thank you so much
Remember the song?
(Singing) There were twelve apostles
Oh no, it was disciples
There were twelve--Isn't that the way the song goes?
It's been a long time since I've been in Sunday school
The problem is not the act of masturbation
The problem is what is going on in the mind
Thinking wrongly sexually
He has already committed adultery
Just to think sexual thoughts
Sexual thoughts
Means that we're in deep sin
What's going on in my mind?
Do I have clean, wholesome thoughts?
I have to take some action
I've been thinking sexually
I have to unload myself
Then you know it's dirty rotten sin
Unload myself
Now what is your question
What is your question
Let's pick up the context
Let's start with verse two
For we know what commandment we gave you by the Lord Jesus
Abstain from fornication
Fornication can be looked at spiritually
Physically it is sin
Spiritually, it is any fornication
That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel
This has to do with the relationship between husband and wife
The wife is not a sex object
Sex object
Pornagraphic activity should not be
Uh pornagraphic
Pornagraphic activity
The wife should be looked upon as holy
Not in the lust of concupiscence
An old English word for evil desire
Not just to vent your sexual feelings on
Vent your sexual feelings on
To vent your sexual feelings on
To vent your sexual feelings
Vent your sexual feelings
Even as the Gentiles which know not God
The heathen of the world get into this kind of thing
If we're a child of God
This is the verse that was asked about
Go beyond and defraud his brother in any manner
We always have to love our neighbor
Steal from or take advantage of them
Take advantage of them
We want the very best for them
No, please please please
Let's keep the program the way it's designed
Do you have a question from the Bible.
I appreciate your attempt to be kind and all of that but..
...The focus is not on me at all
It is on the Bible
Let's focus just on the Bible
Do you have a question?
I'm not trying to be rude
But I do want to value the integrity of this program
Therefore we should go to our next caller
Welcome to Open Forum
Welcome to the Open Forum
The number to call is 1-800 322-5385
1-800 322-5385
And I thought..
Brother, you didn't understand the verse
It's correcting the preacher
How often do you hear a preacher say..?
It reveals two things. He's not searching the Bible for truth and pride
Because nobody wants to be proven wrong.
Who likes to say, "I've been wrong, I've been wrong?"
That's humbling. We're too proud for that
But it shouldn't be that way. We have to walk humbly
I have been proud-- Rather SHE has been proud
Notice who she's proud against.
The Lord..
The Lord
Not proud against people. 'I'm smarter than you are' and so on
I'm smarter than YOU are
Oh, yes she has
Ultimately the sin is pride is against God
It is saying, ' I know more than you do, God.'
I...I... (Stuttering)
Every time I think of that I'm appalled..
And here's this little individual saying I know more than you do
And here's infinite God Who brought this grand creation into being...(
With a little teeny mind of and a little bit of knowledge and a little bit of knowledge around him
And he doesn't even know much about that
You say it this way, but I know it would be more proper this way
...Or that way. We really believe WE have the truth
That is impossible to conceive but that is the kind of arrogance that exist
Excuse me. No you didn't hear that
You went one step farther than what I've ever taught
Expect to find parables because..
Anything in the Bible not directly involved with the gospel is probably a p
When God says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, that
That is a direct statement concerning the nature of the Gospel
Christ on the cross is not a parable
Those statements deal directly with the Gospel
When it says Christ got into a ship that has to be a parable
Excuse me! WHAT is your question
Oh excuse me
Your going all around the circle
But your not coming to your question
What is your question
First Kings chapter 19 verse 14
Do you have a question about that verse
Well alright
Now we're going to look at that
And if you don't have a question about, we are going to go to our next call
But let's take a look at it
In Job chapter 1 verse 15
(Reads verse)
God has allowed Satan to torment Job
God is going to show Satan that Job will remain faithful
Even though Satan would torment him in a grievous way
Now what is your question
Well alright.
Thank you for sharing your question
All we can do..
The Bible is the Word of God
It came from the mouth of God
God is the Creator of the world
God is the Eternal Ruler of the whole universe
Therefore He better be listened to
God has given us all this information
..and that Judgement Day will be here, we better listen
Thank you SO much for calling and sharing
Shall we take our next call. Welcome to the Open Forum
And shall we take our next call please. Welcome to Open Forum
Please ask the question that is most important to you
For the sake of all the other people
We would like to confine each person to ONE question
I hope you'll understand
But go ahead with your question
You have not asked a question
We're not able to take your call. Try again
Oh, my we lost that caller. Shall we go to the next one?
(faint) Repeats last sentence
Go ahead with your call
We're not able to take that call, either. It's way down
And so we'll have to go to our next caller again..
But we have to have a call we can put on the air
And shall we take our next call, please? Welcome.
Now we're gonna stop this discussion RIGHT here
You mocked me, you nasty person. You scorned me.
You ridiculed me so often
I heard every word and now I'M gonna get YOU
Your gonna get it now!
You nasty person
So, what is your question
I see a hand way back there
You went up to my couch
Now what is your question
I don't know
I've never looked at this chapter in the light of we're at the end of the c
I really can't answer your question
I have never..uh
I've never meditated or thought about this
I've never meditated or thought about this verse
Notice I'm not giving you a very good solution
...To this verse because I haven't worked on it
Better not try to go any further because I'll just be speculating
Who has another
We had a lady right here who had her hand up
Six or fix
Would you repeat that please
Genesis 17:7
Genesis 33:7
Some of you are beginning to get a little bit harder of hearing
High voices are more difficult to understand
And it's hard..
...To understand consonants
In other words, you can say 'six' or 'fix'
We must never say
And that adds to it
If it's not enunciated very distinctly, it's very hard to know
Did she say six or fix
They may revile us
And yet we must never do that to them
Yeah, well... (Gibberish)!
Look at yourself
Ya know
You don't have the Holy Spirit in you!
We never never want to look critically
And so on
Never, never, never, never
We just look sorrowfully at them and say we're praying for you
Because we could wish that you too might see the light
Let God do that work
The Bible will have PLENTY of negative things to say
About what's going on in the churches today
Charlie, help me
He was NOT in the tomb for three days
I got to be careful here
OK. We got--
Where are we, Charlie
Maybe we should go down some of these in the front row
Here's one right here
The feast of dedication is not chanuka
I can find no evidence in the Bible it is a feast of dedication. It probabl
Now wait a minute
I gotta be careful
I got to be careful here
Well, or Chanuka
Even though a lot of it is cultural, it is still the vestige of religious o
In other word, that has been an integral part of the Roman..Uhh...of the Je
The Jewish church
And why do you want to go..
...and celebrate in a false church
Anything that their celebrating
Why do you want to thumb your nose at God?
That's what your doing
Your just saying, 'Yeah but there's some truth over here.'
There's something here I still like
The fact is, when we come to Christ..
We go all the way
That's why there are people who call themselves 'Christian Jews' and still
Well, that's ridiculous
Their denying that Christ has come as the Passover
We're done with the Passover
We read about it, we learn from it
We know the spiritual reality
But we certainly don't want to go back and try to observe those rules
That would be totally wrong
You gotta make up your mind. It's Christ all the way
ALL the way
Or you dont have Christ
No more Chanuka- I wouldn't
I would never advise that
OK. Let's go down the line
It is not in the Bible
You'll have to ask this gentleman here
He would know more than I would
Well, yeah
I'm gonna talk about that tomorrow at the banquet
Now in order to prepare the church and the world for Judgment,
God did something very interesting
He loosed Satan from his prison
We read that in Revelation 20
He loosed Satan. We read this in Revelation 9
I saw a star fall from Heaven and he had a key
Who is that that has the key to the gates of hell
The Bible tells us that's Jesus
Jesus is the very One
Satan isn't winning because he figured out how to overcome Christ
No way!
He has been loosed to make the church more sinful
Isn't it interesting
Think about this
We get our teaching from the Bible, but we can see it in life itself
We''re living in that day
So we should be able to see that
And if you remember what the churches were 20 or 30 years ago
On the average
The average church 20 or 30 years ago
There was still quite a bit preaching about hell and damnation
There were very few women in the pulpit
They had begun to permit divorce for fornication
But there were not many pastors who got divorced and married again and were
The music was not contemporary
With all the rock beat and all of that that's going on today
That had not quite begun yet
But now today there's been a vast change
In the churches on the average
The charismatic movement and the tongues has spread way more widely than it
There are way more evangelists preaching a prosperity gospel
Or a political gospel of some kind
There are a lot more evangelists preaching sermons with almost no reference
The big churches with 8, 10, 20 thousand members you hardly hear anything a
It's all.. You know, we're all happy in the Lord and so on
That's because God has put SATAN there to rule
And in the world!
Look how sin has multiplied
20 years ago we still would have been scandalized to talk about the gay mov
The way it is now
Now it is simply a way of life
We would have been absolutely scandalized
By some of these revelations of politicians and what their up to
And what we're hearing about in Iraq
Is their murdering off each other and so on
The world has become intensely sinful
It is prepared for each individuals' time at the Judgment throne
They can't argue. Their argument is cut way down
Hey, God
Hey, God, we really weren't that sinful
Because that sin is (Faltering)
I think for example the sin of sexual perversion
Sexual perversion
You know...The uhh
This ear somehow doesn't have the same hole
The same hole
Hole size
This ear doesn't have the same hole size of the other ear
That thing wont stay in there
But the, uh..Uh..
Uh... Uh..
Knowing the body chemistry
And all of us have familiarity with that of course
If we're an adult
And we know how we can be tremendously affected
by what we see with our eyes
Pornagraphic literature
Pornagraphic literature, for example, can really, really do things to us
It can really get our minds all messed up
In fact, if you don't believe this. If you ever watched a movie
That is very sad
Very very sad
What do you find yourself do
You are weeping
Now you have nothing to do with that movie, this is just a movie
This is just a story
And yet you are emphasizing with it
You are very sad
If you see a movie that is very vicious
Very very vicious
Well, the next thing your going to find yourself yelling at your wife
Because you've been affected by that
In other words, you- Your mind has been
And the same thing with this business of sexual perversion
Business of sexual perversion
Sexual perversion..
You watch that
And and of course it's of of
For a great many people; Their very intrigued by this
And it just affects them
So that sin is developed
And all of that is part of God's plan
To cause the world to be prepared
And that's what's happening in Revelation 9
The locusts are a picture of the activity of Satan as he works
It was commanded them they should not hurt the grass
That would be a reference to the true believers
This verse proves it
Because it says only those men that have not the seal
Anyone not saved is a pigeon for Satan
...In this day and being prepared for Judgment Day
In the midst of this God still has this wonderful Salvation program going o
Uh let's take our next call. Welcome to Open Forum

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Boards form captainPicard
Harold Egbert Camping (born July 19th, 1922) is the president and general manager of Family Stations, Inc.
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