Carl Spackler - CaddyShack
Carl Spackler is played by Bill Murray in Caddyshack. By far one of this silliest roles, here Murray plays the assistant groundskeeper of a golf course. He's dirty, he's disheveled, and half the time we have no idea what he's saying -- but he more than holds his own in this comedy packed full of memorable performances.
by Beng Dy - 27 tracks
Cinderella Story
The head greenskeeper
I smell varmint poontang
Bob Marley joint
So I jump ship in Hong Kong
Invented my own kind of grass
Bark like a dog
au revoir gopher
Cinch bugs
Freeze gopher!
He's gonna stiff me
Hey Mr Gopher
I can't believe
I have to laugh
I'll slack you
I'm assistent greenskeeper
It's a little harsh
It's just a bush
It's no big deal
License to kill
Nice cool drink
Silver Wings
Wait up girls
What's up doc
You're a tramp
You've got the guts

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Boards form Beng Dy
Carl Spackler is played by Bill Murray in Caddyshack. By far one of this silliest roles, here Murray plays the assistant groundskeeper of a golf course. He's dirty, he's disheveled, and half the time we have no idea what he's saying -- but he more than holds his own in this comedy packed full of memorable performances.
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