Celebrity 911 calls

Here is a collection of celebrity's 911 calls. If you've ever wondered how the crisis went down here is your chance to listen in. WARNING: Adult Language and Mature themes.

Category: History   Tracks: 13   Views: 33609  

by Emanuel Enea - 13 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Anna Nicole Smith (death)
Lindsey Lohan car chase
Donda West Kayne Wests mom
Nate dogg 911 call
Demi Moore
William Shatner
Drew Barrymore
Nicole Brown Simpson
Terrell Owens (overdose)
Janet Jackson
Joaquin Phoenix
Ashley Judd
David Wells
Boards form Emanuel Enea
Emanuel Enea

Here is a collection of celebrity's 911 calls. If you've ever wondered how the crisis went down here is your chance to listen in. WARNING: Adult Language and Mature themes.

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