by Deanna Molstad - 39 tracks
Sex objects (Two & half men)
She was perfect (Two & half men)
Not my thing (Two & half men)
I am on a drug
Im an F18 Bro
The Carwash Hustler
10 Grand! (Two & half men)
I'm Dealing with Fools and Trolls
Enjoy the show
Gnarly Gnarlington
Deploy my ordinates
Delivering the goods
Ive answered to a higher calling
You had to pick that one
Dyings for fools
Every cell
Embrace the fear
Dont be Special
Channel 12 actually
The're boner pills
How we Doing? (Money Talks)
Well do you? (Two & half men)
Can't use that language!!
Talk on camera
Charlies Brain
do the math
Dont look like having fun
Droopy eyed armless children
High on acid
I cant process it
I cured it with my brain
I dont have a job
I expose people to magic
I got Tiger blood man
I like the view
I was banging 7 gram rocks
Judge me boom
Looking fear

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Boards form Deanna Molstad
Movie, tv, interview and sound clips from the wild and crazy one and only Charlie Sheen in this ultimate soundboard !
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