by Chris Loeffler - 56 tracks
Say what again
You're under arrest
I'm a mushroom cloud
Mother f----r
One of us made error
Do you normally curse this much
Don't blow this sh-t off
I Don't Remember Asking You
You're having a nice day
Very bad day
I'm Rick James
Samuel L. Jackson Beer
Fat girls
Ass to mars! (Total recall)
Bleep you up!
You are pukes
Suck a golf ball
its all part of the plan
Joker's laugh
Freak like me
lets put a smile
I like that
Where do we begin
Kill the Batman
Why so serious
Here we go
Help me Oprah Winfrey
The Exorcist - Regan MacNeil possessed
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
The Ref - Gus (Dennis Leary)
Came on my mom
Get on top
Bring out your dead
You can't say no
White woman
Are you a Peter puffer
Hell I like you
Unscrew your head
Don't call me Shirley
Grown man naked
Turkish prison
It's funny because he's fat
Boys have penis...
Bunch of questions
I never apologize for the truth
Fat chicks
Sack Of Shit
Shut The Fuck Up
She wants it
Room for my Fist

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