Merry Christmas Charlie Manson - South park
The guys accompany Eric and his family to a Christmas celebration with the Cartman family. Soon after arriving, Cartman's Uncle Howard shows up, having broken out of prison with his cell-mate, Charles Manson. Manson learns the true meaning of Christmas and Stan learns his parents really do care. Adult Language
by Penny Modesto - 25 tracks
Merry Xmas
Charlie intro
God bless us
Bad Elvin
Beat Kenny
Big present
Charlie family
Charlie rant
False prophet
Howdy ho boys
I deserve to
It sucks
Over react
So far away
Tattoo redone
Tear gas
They're dead
What did you say
Will not forget

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Boards form Penny Modesto
The guys accompany Eric and his family to a Christmas celebration with the Cartman family. Soon after arriving, Cartman's Uncle Howard shows up, having broken out of prison with his cell-mate, Charles Manson. Manson learns the true meaning of Christmas and Stan learns his parents really do care. Adult Language
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