Chupacabra Soundboard
Chupacabra (Goat Sucker) is a legendary creature at this point, however new reports still come in. The eyewitnesses often describe a 4 to 5 foot tall beast with an oval-shaped head bearing alien-like eyes that glow red. Listen to some of these storie
by Extra Credit - 11 tracks Full Board $4.99
Chupacabras Story in Puerti Rico 1
Chupacabras Story in Puerti Rico 2
Chupacabras Story in Puerti Rico 3
Chupacabras Story in Puerti Rico 4
Chupacabras Story in Puerti Rico 5
Chupacabras in City of Santa Rosa Agrentina
Chupacabras in Chille 1
Chupacabras in Chille 2
Chupacabra Story in Northern Mexico
Chupacabra in Spring
Mexican researchers find something at night

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Chupacabra (Goat Sucker) is a legendary creature at this point, however new reports still come in. The eyewitnesses often describe a 4 to 5 foot tall beast with an oval-shaped head bearing alien-like eyes that glow red. Listen to some of these storie
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