Civil War Soundboard

The Civil War was a military conflict between "The Union" and "The Confederacy" from 1861 to 1865. The war took more than 600,000 lives, destroyed property valued at $5 billion, brought freedom to slaves.

Category: History   Tracks: 11   Views: 17973  

by Deanna Molstad - 11 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Civil War Cannon
Civil War Food
Combat In Three Weeks
First Deaths
Underground Rail Road
Bloodiest Battleground
I'll give you Ten Seconds
Civil War Song
Missouri Takes Toll
Fail To Capture South's Opinion
Boards form Deanna Molstad
Deanna Molstad

The Civil War was a military conflict between "The Union" and "The Confederacy" from 1861 to 1865. The war took more than 600,000 lives, destroyed property valued at $5 billion, brought freedom to slaves.

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