by Jason Booth - 33 tracks
So its just Mclovin
At house party - guns and crack
Busting up the party
Cock Blocking Mclovin
Im Sorry I blocked your cock
Free Haircuts
Not Like CSI
Having a gun
Dating advice for Mclovin
Confessions - Hooker in back seat
Backseat Confessions - Lawyer
Ignoring police radio
Cops bust Mclovin getting laid
God I wish
Donut Spinning
Sappy cops apology to Mclovin
Have a cigarette
But we're the police
Long dick of the law
Mclovin takes down bar drunk
Met whore wife in bar
Mouth Sex
Nice Mullet
Oh no its the cops
Hold Hands
Pretend hes your sister
Should I shoot him
Suspects description
We should get some road beers
Yoda and Engage

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Boards form Jason Booth
Seth Rogen and Bill Hader play the 2 incompetent police officers Slater & Micheals in Superbad. Adult Language.
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