Animal Sounds of Costa Rica
I travelled to Costa Rica and went camping and will never forget the strange almost unearthly wild life. It's forest is the most densely populated place on earth for different animal species, a treasure trove for animal and nature lovers!
by Jason Booth - 15 tracks
Clay-colored Robin
Gecko Lizard - Night
Crickets and Tree Frogs - Night
La Fortuna Frog
Laughing Falcon
Grey-breasted Wood Wren
Montezuma Oropendola Bird
Mantled Howler Monkey
White-faced Capuchin Monkey
Howler Monkey
Olive-throated Parakeets
Three-wattled Bellbird
White-fronted Parrots

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Boards form Jason Booth
I travelled to Costa Rica and went camping and will never forget the strange almost unearthly wild life. It's forest is the most densely populated place on earth for different animal species, a treasure trove for animal and nature lovers!
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