Crazy Climber Sound clips

Crazy Climber is a coin-operated arcade game in 1982. In this game the player assumes the role of a daredevil who is attempting to climb to the top of four skyscrapers. Crazy Climber is one of the few video games to use two joysticks and no buttons.

Category: Games   Tracks: 13   Views: 6706  

by Penny Modesto - 13 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Beginning Music
Attack of Condor
The sound from the Electric Sign
Avoid the barbells
A Whack from a flower pot
Attack of Kong
Climbing sound
End of first building
Reach for the Balloon
Sound of an extra climber
Sounds from the Chopper
The climber falls
End of second building
Boards form Penny Modesto
Penny Modesto

Crazy Climber is a coin-operated arcade game in 1982. In this game the player assumes the role of a daredevil who is attempting to climb to the top of four skyscrapers. Crazy Climber is one of the few video games to use two joysticks and no buttons.

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