Crocodile and Caiman Calls

Crocodilians can communicate in many ways. The purposes that crocodilian sounds serve include threats, distress signals, hatching calls, contact calls, and courtship bellows. Some species can communicate more than twenty different messages by vocal sounds.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 9   Views: 8071  

by Eve Dy - 9 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Threat Call- nesting female, high intensity hiss
Threat Call- nesting female, low intensity hiss
Threat Call- adult, high intensity hiss
Distress Call- 1 yr juvenile, 1 call
Distress Call- 1 yr juvenile, 6 calls
Distress Call- 2 week juvenile, 1 call
Distress Call- 6 week juvenile, 1 call
Hatching Call- hatching juvenile, 1 call
Hatching Call- hatching juvenile, 3 calls
Boards form Eve Dy
Eve Dy

Crocodilians can communicate in many ways. The purposes that crocodilian sounds serve include threats, distress signals, hatching calls, contact calls, and courtship bellows. Some species can communicate more than twenty different messages by vocal sounds.

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