Mister Gutsy

My last soundboard got erased, so here's this reuploaded. It's Mister Gutsy, from Fallout 3. He's great.

Category: Games   Tracks: 104   Views: 8925  

by Logicalia - 104 tracks
A brother has fallen You dare take the life of a brother of steel
Another glorious day in the US Army
Another glorious day in this man's army
Are you afraid of me Well you should be because I'm going to kick your ass when I find you
Are you playing games with me
Box me up and ship me home
Come back if you need something
Come on, people, give em hell
Come on, people, I need a target
Contact, another civillian, Take him down
Did you not realize I have eyes in the back of my head
Do I look like I have time for idle chit chat
Do that again and I'll put my foot so far up your ass you'll cough up boot polish
Do you have any idea who you're dealing with
Do you think you can hide from me
Don't give me an excuse to use my weapon on you
Eat hot lead, you commie bastard
Enforcing peace and justice with maximum force
Everyday is a good day to die
False alarm Stand down, people
Focous brothers focus on the enemy let his death not be in vain
For Elder Lyons For the Citidel
Gear up soldier
Glad to see you're in one peice You're just in time for the action
His was a good death
How do you like that you mother loving commie
I cannot wait to find you so I can kill you as a personal favor to Uncle Sam
I can't see a thing down here
I have a personal message for you from uncle sam
I'm just getting warmed up, Hoo ah
I'm starting to get angry You would not like me when I'm angry
Initiating combat protocal Charlie Zulu 4
Is that someone who needs me to kick their ass
Is that the best you can do
Kill that SOB
Kill them all and let God sort 'em out
Kill them all, God will understand
Lead on
Leave immediely
Let 'em eat lead Time to kick some ass
Looks like this is my lucky day
Made in the USA
Moving out, people
Nothing I like better than a little R & R on Uncle Sam's time
Now you're starting to piss me off
Ohhhhhh, Brothers (death sound)
Opening fire
Pain is just weakness leaving the body
Pansy Take a shot of vitamin M and keep fighting
Pin my medals upon my chest
Please tell me you did not just do what I think you did
Presence detected This unit is activated
Ready to die for your country you commie SOB
Ready to die for your country
Remove your self or be prepared to defend yourself
Resume your duties
Resuming patrol
RL3 regrets to inform you that you are obviously unfit for command sir
RL3 Stands at attention sir
Running will only make the pain last longer
Sanning Target is armed Code yellow
Sanning Target non hostile
Scanning sir
Since you don't seem willing to do the world a favor and kill your self, I guess I'll have to do it for you
Sir I am on the lookout
Sir searching for targets
Sir yes sir
Somebody find me something to shoot at
Stand down squishy
That's how we do things in the US Army Hoo ah
The enemy has retired before the awesome might of the US Army
There's nothing I like better than the smell of plasma in the morning
There's nothingI like better than making some other poor bastard die for his country
This area is under the protection of the US Army
This battlefield now belongs to Uncle Sam
Threat to peace located, pacifying
Time to hit the showers
Time to pray to whatever heathen gods you believe in commie
Today's a hell of a day to die, commie
Typical commie manuver
Unit deactivating This troop is hitting the rack
Unit running patrol scheme alpha 4
Unit running patrol scheme delta 7
Welcome visitor
What is your major malfunction, maggot
What's the matter, you pansy ass pinko, getting tired
Who's got a target
Who's ready to have their ass kicked
You are about to be introduced to the US Army
You are the lowest form of commie scumbag
You better run you commie loving bastard
You can run but you can't hide
You cannot hide from me you commie maggot
You commie scum spy Hands in the air
You dare spill blood on this sacred ground
You just made my day
You make me sick, you worthless scumbag
You seem to need an object lesson in democracy
You Will die here
Your worthless hide is mine
You're gonna learn how Uncle Sam deals with commie maggots
You're no better than that mutie scum
You've just topped the BS list, congradulations
Boards form Logicalia

My last soundboard got erased, so here's this reuploaded. It's Mister Gutsy, from Fallout 3. He's great.

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