Darth Vader TomTom GPS
Looking for directions to the local Piggly Wiggly or Ralphs? Darth Vader can help because who better than the Dark Lord of the Sith to guide you to the best place to pick up Cheez Whiz and toilet paper? The Star Wars villain teamed up with TomTom to record his voice for use in the company?s GPS gadgets.
by Eve Dy - 19 tracks
Destiny lies with me
Arrival sound
Warning sound
At the end of the road
Don't underestimate
How I breathe
I was his father
Left turn
May dispense
Round about
Seen his face
Take the 3rd exit
That's what I said
Turn around
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Boards form Eve Dy
Looking for directions to the local Piggly Wiggly or Ralphs? Darth Vader can help because who better than the Dark Lord of the Sith to guide you to the best place to pick up Cheez Whiz and toilet paper? The Star Wars villain teamed up with TomTom to record his voice for use in the company?s GPS gadgets.
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