Dr Drew Soundboard 2
One of the most listened to doctors in America, Dr. Drew is the host of the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline where he has been taking calls from listeners since 1984. Dr. Drew often appearance on national and international television and radio to talk about sex, relationships, and addiction. Adult Language!
by penny modesto - 38 tracks
Not in love with you anymore
Keep him happy
Are you mormon
Alright okay
Chill pill
Dysfunctional penis
Faggot better run
Guy twice my age
Hand job
He's a dick
He's gay
How much I love you
I still do
I was bored
I was bored 2
Intensifies orgasm
Jizz guzzling
Just shut up
Laser on your faggoty self
Listen Listen Listen
Minty fresh cooch
Naughty habit
Need time to myself
See other people
Small penis you fag
Still love you
Take a little vicodin
There's not much
Time to start listening
Urban center
Yessir Mr Carolla
You're a gay
You're a heroin addict
You're a lesbian
You're fat
You're overweight

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Boards form penny modesto
One of the most listened to doctors in America, Dr. Drew is the host of the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline where he has been taking calls from listeners since 1984. Dr. Drew often appearance on national and international television and radio to talk about sex, relationships, and addiction. Adult Language!
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