by Jason Booth - 14 tracks
From there to here
Fix it up chappy
Green Eggs
I am the lorax
The Onceler - from The Lorax
I Hope - Theo Seuss Geisel
Telescope - Theo Suess Giesel
Grinch hates Christmas noise
You Nauseate Me - Grinch that stole
Must Stop Christmas - Grinch
Whole world stand still
Prices are low
Santy Claus - Grinch that stole Xmas
Thank yew

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Boards form Jason Booth
Fun for kids and a bit of social commentary for adults, Theodor Seuss Geisel made cartoons. Early on he was going to teach kids as an English professor, but changed his mind. His Legacy lives on in books, plays, tv shows and movies.
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