The Dunkirk Survivors
If ever boys became men it was on the bloody beaches of Dunkirk. Soldiers who survived those terrible, yet heroic days say they left their youth behind on the French sand. Thousands had given up their lives for their country in the worst military disaster ever suffered by the British Army. It was fate they escaped...
by Penny Modesto - 24 tracks
Scene at the beach and reaching the boats
Abandoning ship
Get back to Dunkirk
Where the hell's Dunkirk
A lucky escape
A warm welcome
Afraid of the sea
Being transferred from the train to the ship
Courageous French woman
Desperation of refugees
Finally rescued
Getting injured
Getting onto the ship
Journey home, and arrival in England
Leadership ethos
On the beach
Refugees in flight from German forces
Return to England
Scene on beach, and bombing of paddle steamer
Surviving mentally
The Brigadier
The hell of Dunkirk
Treatment for injuries
Witnessing the bombing of refugees

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Boards form Penny Modesto
If ever boys became men it was on the bloody beaches of Dunkirk. Soldiers who survived those terrible, yet heroic days say they left their youth behind on the French sand. Thousands had given up their lives for their country in the worst military disaster ever suffered by the British Army. It was fate they escaped...
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