Elephant Sounds

Elephants are the largest living land mammals. At birth it is common for an elephant baby calf to weigh 100 kg (225 pounds). Hear some great audio clips of them.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 24   Views: 401123  

by Emanuel Enea - 24 tracks    Full Board $4.99
African elephant sound
Bull Elephant
Asian elephant
African Elephant
Elephant California
Elephant roar
Screaming elephant
Elephant scream
African Elephant clip
Elephant sound
Elephant sound clip
Elephant Trumpet Roar
Elephant roar 02
Elephant trumpeting
Elephant single 01
Elephant single 02
Elephant single 03
Elephant growl 01
Elephant growl 02
Elephant snarl
Elephant growl 03
Elephant growl 04
Elephant roars
Herd of elephants
Boards form Emanuel Enea
Emanuel Enea

Elephants are the largest living land mammals. At birth it is common for an elephant baby calf to weigh 100 kg (225 pounds). Hear some great audio clips of them.

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