Elvira Soundboard
Cassandra Peterson co-wrote and starred in her first feature film which was distributed globally, making Elvira an international celebrity. The Elvira character rapidly evolved from obscure cult figure to lucrative brand-name and Mistress of all Media, spawning countless products throughout the 1980s and 1990s, including Halloween costumes.
by Penny Modesto - 15 tracks
Come in darling
You're bound to have a good time
Hello darling
Covered with cab webs
I won't bite
Is that you
It's a pizza pie
My fave
Nobody gets excited
Pretty safe
That didn't mean snoop
What are those girls think they are
What right do they have
Why don't you tell me
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Boards form Penny Modesto
Cassandra Peterson co-wrote and starred in her first feature film which was distributed globally, making Elvira an international celebrity. The Elvira character rapidly evolved from obscure cult figure to lucrative brand-name and Mistress of all Media, spawning countless products throughout the 1980s and 1990s, including Halloween costumes.
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